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Masterminding a new section of waterfront

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

Handing Westhaven Marina’s Pile Mooring Redevelopment Project back to Panuku for final delivery in 2019 marked the end of an era for Wardale Marine Industry Consulting.

Phil Wardale was involved in the Pile Mooring Redevelopment Project for around a decade.

The time frame reflects the complexity of the project. It involved converting an expanse of underutilised water space, configured for pile moorings, into around 100 new serviced berths,with space to double that in the future.

The on-water aspect was relativiely straightforward; for the most part it involved configuring berthage to maximise an existing waiting list of around 200 vessels.

But the proposal to extend the existing reclamation (which was necessary for both carparking and berth access) was problematic in an enviroment where the Mayor of Auckland had recently resolved to ban all future reclamations.

By working with the city’s leaders and engaging Mana Whenua and their appointed representatives, Phil was able, over several years and stages of business case planning, consultation and refinement, to help mastermind a reconfigured reclamation that ticked all the boxes

· It provided carparking and access for marina operations

· It provided a new public space and viewing platform that was co-designed by Iwi representatives

· It delivered on environmental outcomes including water quality, for the wider Westhaven basin. It also enabled the encapsulation of dredging material from the immediate area.

Resource consent was granted in early 2019 and construction started in December 2019. Wardale wishes all those involved in bringing the project to life the very best.


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