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Whanganui Port Revitalisation Project

The historic wharves that comprise Whanganui Port are neglected and urgently need restoration. Without this work, the existing port operations and the businesses that occupy the area are at risk.

Project Overview: Wardale has been appointed as the marine lead in the project team to deliver a marine masterplan for the redevelopment of the port area.

Project Sponsor: Whanganui District Council

Project Capex: Stage 2: NZ $6.5 million

Project Consents: A full suite of consents will be required with for the ;project which will be sought when the project funding is concluded with local and central government.

Project Timing: Project Planning commenced in June 16 with project delivery yet undecided

Procurement Consultants: Wardale assisted in the procurement of several disciplines required for the successful planning of the project. To date Wardale has worked with LandLab on the Masterplanning of the Port Precinct alongside the Council staff.

Project Governance: Wardale is part of the governance board responsible for running the team of consultants through a Project Control Group (PCG).

Procurement Contractors: Should the funding be confirmed for the delivery of the project Wardale will assist Council in the responsible for the selection of the engineers to complete the detailed design before working to procure the civil works contractor which will be likley be procured on a Design and Build basis.

Project Background: The Project was sponsored by MBIA through a government grant to advance the completion of a business case to relocate QWest Boatsbuilders and also to complete a masterplan for the entire Port Precinct. The revitalisation is a partnership between Whanganui District Holdings, Iwi, Government, private businesses and our community. You can browse and download documents​ and other information relating to the Whanganui​ Port Revitalisation below.


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